Dr. Laurence van Hanswijck de Jonge, MSc, PhD
Child Clinical Psychology & Neuropsychology-Cayman Islands
UK: BPS CPsychol #384886; HCPC License # PYL33486
Cayman Islands: Council for Professions Allied with Medicine- registration # CPAM/PL/PSY-D/012
Switzerland: FSP Psychologist #109634; Droit de Pratique Independent; ASCA Accredited # RCC: J483862
Resources for Parents
International School Parent Magazine
Articles by Dr. Laurence van Hanswijck de Jonge
Flourishing Youth: Fusing Well-being with Education through Positive Psychology.
Mindsets: Influencing Accomplishment and Motivation.
“I Feel How You Feel." The Importance of Helping Your Children Develop Empathy.
Helicopter Parenting: The Fallout.
Gifted: The Double-Edged Sword - Part 1.
How to Support a Gifted Child- Part 2.
Beyond IQ - The Importance of Executive Functions.
H.O.P.E - Depression and Suicide in Children.
The Mirror Lies - Eating Disorders and the Distinction from Body Dysmorphia.
The Curse and Blessing of the Electronic Era.
Feeling Recources
Feeling Magnets
Feeling Magnets: Magnetic feeling words that are great to help put words to what we are feeling and to start a conversation. They have a neat little box for adults and the kids version is coming in October 2015. The kids version includes a fun kid friendly guid to how to naviagte our feelings @ http://www.feelingmagnets.com/
Sticky Feelings for kids. These are both words and images. It works well for younger kids and the full body images are definately a plus @ http://www.stickyfeeling.com/
Inside Out! An animated comedy-drama. The film is set in the mind of a young girl, Riley Andersen, where five personified emotions—Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger, and Disgust—try to lead her through life as she moves with her parents
Books and Articles
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk. Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish
Positive Disapline. Jane Nelsen
The Optimisitc Child. Martin Selegman
The Whole Brain Child. Daniel Siegler
Published Scientific Articles by Dr. Laurence
Waller, G., Meyer, C., & Van Hanswijck de Jonge, L. (2001). Early environmental influences on restrictive eating pathology among non-clinical females: The role of temperature at birth. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 30, 204-209
Van Hanswijck de Jonge, L., Meyer, C., & Waller, G. (2001). The relationship between environmental temperature during pregnancy and eating attitudes during teenage years: A replication and extension study. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 30, 413-420
Van Hanswijck de Jonge, L., Stettler, N., Kumanyiki, S., Støa Birketvedt, G. & Waller, G. (2002). Environmental Temperature during Gestation and Body Mass Index in Adolescence: New Etiologic Clues? International Journal of Obesity, 26, 765-769
Van Hanswijck de Jonge, L., Waller, G. & Stettler, N. (2002). Season of birth and postnatal weight gain during the first four months of life in African American and Caucasian babies. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 75, 339S-439S
Van Hanswijck de Jonge, L., & Waller, G. (2002). The influences of Environmental Temperatures during Gestation and at Birth on Eating Characteristics in Adolescence: A Replication and Extension Study. Appetite, 38, 181-187
Van Hanswijck de Jonge, L. & Waller, G. (2003). Perfectionism Levels in African-American and Caucasian Adolescents. Journal of Personality and Individual Differences, 34, 1447-1451
Van Hanswijck de Jonge, L., Waller, G. & Stettler, N. (2003). Ethnicity modifies seasonal variations in birth weight and weight gain of infants. Journal of Nutrition, 133, 1415 – 1418
Van Hanswijck de Jonge, L. & Gormley, M. (2005). Responses to affective smoking images: effects of current smoking status and degree of smoking addiction. Addictive Behaviors, 30, 1587-1591.
Cawich, S., Frankson, M. A., Hendriks, F., Iheonunekwu, N., van Hanswijck de Jonge, L., & Hoeksema, G. (2009). Access surgery for hemodialysis in the Cayman Islands: Preliminary results of a vascular access service. The International Journal of Angiology, 18, 71-74.
Cawich, S. O., Jefferson, D., Smith, G., Hoeksema, G., Iheonunekwu, N., Hendriks, F., van Hanswijck de Jonge, L., Harding, H. E., Gordon-Strachan, G. (2010). Cost-benefit comparison of hemodialysis access creation in a developing country and North American centers. International Journal of Angiology, 19, e25-e29
Langerock, N., van Hanswijck de Jonge, L., Bickle Graz, M., Hüppi, P., Borradori Tolsa, C., & Barisnikov, K. (2013). Emotional reactivity at 12 months in very preterm infants born at <29 weeks of gestation. Infant Behaviour and Development, 36, 289-297.
Urben, S, van Hanswijck de Jonge, L., Borradori Tolsa, C., Lazeyras, F., Barisnikov, K., Pozzo, R., Hüppi, PS. (2017). Gestational Age and Gender Influences on Executive Control and its Related Neural Structures in Preterm Children at 6 Years of Age. Child Neuropsychology, 23, 188-207.
Van Hanswijck De Jonge, L.,Urben, S., Fischi Gomez, E., Pizzo, R., Monnier, M., Barisnikov, B., Lazeyras, F., Forcada-Guex, M., Borradori Tolsa, C., & Hüppi, P.S. (in review). Hyperactivity/inattention in Children Born Preterm and Small for Gestational Age: Implication of the Ventral Striatum. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.