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CogMed Training for ADHD

CogMed is a Working Memory Training proven to specifically help children and adults with ADHD



How does improving his working memory help a child become more focused? When you improve working memory, you improve fluid IQ—the ability to solve problems or adapt to situations as they occur. Most kids who complete memory training become more alert to their surroundings. They are also more aware of social cues. Parents often report that their kids become more “mature.” They take charge of their chores without being nagged. They remember to bring books and materials to and from school.

How does Cogmed working-memory training work? A child logs on to the working-memory program, which is downloaded on his home computer. He completes eight exercises, each consisting of 15 trials. The exercises are in a video game format—with colorful graphics and crisp sound.In one exercise, he shoots down floating asteroids; in another, he recalls numbers in the reverse order in which they are given; in another, he remembers the sequence in which rows of lights turn on. The child uses his computer mouse to punch in the answers—and earns points along the way. The program stays a step ahead of the child’s ability, making exercises increasingly harder. A coaching meeting (or call) is scheduled once a week to talk with the parents and child, troubleshoot, and encourage the child.

Does the training work as well with girls as with boys, for both children and adults? It has been successful with young and old, and with both sexes. The training is rigorous, so few children under seven can stick with it.

How long is the training? The training runs five weeks, five days a week, aprox 30 mins a day (depending on age).

What percentage of kids show improvement after the training? About 75 to 80 percent of kids show improvement—that is, inattention and hyperactivity are reduced. Karolinska Institute researchers did functional MRIs of the children they studied. The MRIs showed physical changes in the brain’s pre-frontal and parietal regions after completing the training. At six-month and one-year follow-ups, about 80 percent of subjects maintained their working-memory gains or improved on them.

Are there any side effects? There have been no observed side effects. It doesn’t affect other therapies. 

Is working-memory training a substitute for medication? The program does not claim to replace medication. While many kids get good results on meds, drugs don’t usually manage all symptoms. Improving working memory can address those problems.


One oft-heard complaint about complementary therapies to treat attention deficit disorder (ADD or ADHD) is that there are no controlled studies to support their claims. Not so with working-memory training, which was developed by a company called Cogmed, in conjunction with the Karolinska Institute, a medical university based in Stockholm.

A 2005 study conducted by the institute showed that five weeks of therapy reduced symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity in children.An uncontrolled study, published earlier this year by the University of Notre Dame, found similar results. Bradley Gibson, Ph.D., lead author of the Notre Dame study, and Barbara Ingersoll, Ph.D., a clinical associate professor in West Virginia University’s department of behavioral medicine and psychiatry and aCogmed trainer, answer some questions:

What is working memory? It's the ability to hold onto information long enough to accomplish a specific goal. You hold a phone number in your mind as you dial it, or you hold a task in mind—organizing your room, say—as you work on it. We use working memory throughout the course of a day.

IQ development assessment

For More Information:

To schedule an apointment or if you have general questions please feel free to complete the form below and I will respond to your message as soon as possible. 

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